8 research outputs found

    Automatic Test Generation for Data-Flow Reactive Systems with time constraints

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    International audienceIn this paper, we handle the problem of conformance testing for data-flow critical systems with time constraints. We present a formal model (Variable Driven Timed Automata) adapted for such systems inspired from timed automata using variables as inputs and outputs, and clocks. In this model, we consider urgency and the possibility to fire several transitions instantaneously. We present a conformance relation for this model and we propose a test generation method using a test purpose approach, based on a region graph transformation of the specification

    Automatic Test Generation for Data-Flow Reactive Systems Modeled by Variable Driven Timed Automata

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    In this paper, we handle the problem of conformance testing for data-flow critical systems with time constraints. We present a formal model (Variable Driven Timed Automata) adapted for such systems inspired from timed automata using variables as inputs and outputs, and clocks. In this model we consider urgency and the possibility to fire several transitions instantaneously. We present a conformance relation for this model and we propose a test generation method using a test purpose approach. This method is illustrated with an example on a "Bi-manual command"

    Runtime Enforcement of Timed Properties

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    International audienceRuntime enforcement is a powerful technique to ensure that a running system respects some desired properties. Using an enforcement monitor, an (untrustworthy) input execution (in the form of a sequence of events) is modified into an output sequence that complies to a property. Runtime enforcement has been extensively studied over the last decade in the context of untimed properties. This paper introduces runtime enforcement of timed properties. We revisit the foundations of runtime enforcement when time between events matters.We show how runtime enforcers can be synthesized for any safety or co-safety timed property. Proposed runtime enforcers are time retardant: to produce an output sequence, additional delays are introduced between the events of the input sequence to correct it. Runtime enforcers have been prototyped and our simulation experiments validate their effectiveness

    Synthèse pour une Logique Temps-Réel Faible

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    In this dissertation, we consider the specification and the controller synthesis problem for real-time systems. Our models for systems are kinds of Event-recording automata. We assume that controllers observe all the events occurring in the system and can prevent occurrences of controllable events. We study Event-recording Logic (ERL). We propose new algorithms for the model-checking and the satisfiability problems of that logic. Our algorithms are similar to some algorithms proposed for the same problems in the setting of the standard μ\mu-calculus. They also correct earlier proposed algorithms. We define disjunctive normal form formulas and we show that every formula is equivalent to a formula in disjunctive normal form. Unfortunately, ERL is rather weak and can not describe some interesting real-time properties, in particular some important properties for controllers. We define a new logic that we call WTmu. The logic WTmu is a weak real-time extension of the standard μ\mu-calculus. We present an algorithm for the model-checking problem of WTmu. We consider a fragment of WTmu called WT\mu for control (C-WTmu). We show that the satisfiability of C-WTmu is decidable. The algorithm that we propose for deciding whether a formula of C-WTmu, has a model does not need to know the maximal constant used in models and it enables the construction of a witness model. Using C-WTmu, we present algorithms for a centralised controller synthesis problem and a centralised Δ\Delta-controller synthesis problems. The construction of witness controllers is effective.Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la spécification et à la synthèse de contrôleurs des systèmes temps-réels. Les modèles pour ces systèmes sont des Event-recording Automata. Nous supposons que les contrôleurs observent tous les évènements se produisant dans le système et qu'ils peuvent interdirent uniquement des évènements contrôlables. Tous les évènements ne sont pas nécessairement contrôlables. Une première étude est faite sur la logique Event-recording Logic (ERL). Nous proposons des nouveaux algorithmes pour les problèmes de vérification et de satisfaisabilité. Ces algorithmes présentent les similitudes entre les problèmes de décision cités ci-dessus et les problèmes de décision similaires étudiés dans le cadre du μ\mu-calcul. Nos algorithmes corrigent aussi des algorithmes présents dans la litérature. Les similitudes relevées nous permettent de prouver l'équivalence entre les formules de ERL et les formules de ERL en forme normale disjonctive. La logique ERL n'étant pas suffisamment expressive pour décrire certaines propriétés des systèmes, en particulier des propriétés des contrôleurs, nous introduisons une nouvelle logique WTmu. La logique WTmu est une extension temps-réel faible du μ\mu-calcul. Nous proposons des algorithmes pour la vérification des systèmes lorsque les propriétés sont écrites en WTmu. Nous identifions un fragment de WTmu appelé WTmu pour le contrôle (C-WTmu). Nous proposons un algorithme qui permet de vérifier si une formule de C-WTmu possède un modèle. Cet algorithme n'a pas besoin de connaître les ressources (horloges et constante maximale comparée avec les horloges) des modèles. En utilisant C-WTmu comme langage de spécification des systèmes, nous proposons des algorithmes de décision pour le contrôle centralisé et le Δ\Delta-contrôle centralisé. Ces algorithmes permettent aussi de construire des modèles de contrôleurs

    On Characteristic Formulae for Event-Recording Automata

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    A standard bridge between automata theory and logic is provided by the notion of characteristic formula. This paper investigates this problem for the class of event-recording automata (ERA), a subclass of timed automata in which clocks are associated with actions and that enjoys very good closure properties (complementation, determinization...). We first study the problem of expressing characteristic formulae for ERA in Event-Recording Logic (ERL), a logic introduced by Sorea to express event-based timed specifications. We prove that the construction proposed by Sorea for ERA without invariants is false. More generally, we prove that bisimulation can not be expressed in ERL for the class of ERA, even without invariants. Then, we introduce the logic WTµ , a new logic for event-based timed specifications, closer to the timed logic Lnu . We prove that it is strictly more expressive than ERL, and that its model-checking problem against ERA is EXPTIME-complete. Finally, we provide constructions for characterizing ERA up to timed (bi)similarity and study the complexity issues

    On characteristic formulae for Event-Recording Automata

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    A standard bridge between automata theory and logic is provided by the notion of characteristic formula. This paper investigates this problem for the class of event-recording automata (ERA), a subclass of timed automata in which clocks are associated with actions and that enjoys very good closure properties. We first study the problem of expressing characteristic formulae for ERA in Event-Recording Logic (ERL ), a logic introduced by Sorea to express event-based timed specifications. We prove that the construction proposed by Sorea for ERA without invariants is incorrect. More generally, we prove that timed bisimilarity cannot in general be expressed in ERL for the class of ERA , and study under which conditions on ERA it can be. Then, we introduce the logic WTμ , a new logic for event-based timed specifications closer to the timed logic ℒν that was introduced by Laroussinie, Larsen and Weise. We prove that it is strictly more expressive than ERL , and that its model-checking problem against ERA is EXPTIME -complete. Finally, we provide characteristic formulae constructions in WTμ for characterizing the general class of ERA up to timed (bi)similarity and study the complexity issues

    Runtime enforcement of timed properties revisited

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    International audienceRuntime enforcement is a powerful technique to ensure that a running system satisfies some desired properties. Using an enforcement monitor, an (untrustworthy) input execution (in the form of a sequence of events) is modified into an output sequence that complies with a property. Over the last decade, runtime enforcement has been mainly studied in the context of untimed properties. This paper deals with runtime enforcement of timed properties by revisiting the founda-tions of runtime enforcement when time between events matters. We propose a new enforce-ment paradigm where enforcement mechanisms are time retardants: to produce a correct output sequence, additional delays are introduced between the events of the input sequence. We consider runtime enforcement of any regular timed property defined by a timed automa-ton. We prove the correctness of enforcement mechanisms and prove that they enjoy two usually expected features, revisited here in the context of timed properties. The first one is soundness meaning that the output sequences (eventually) satisfy the required property. The second one is transparency, meaning that input sequences are modified in a minimal way. We also introduce two new features, i) physical constraints that describe how a time retar-dant is physically constrained when delaying a sequence of timed events, and ii) optimality, meaning that output sequences are produced as soon as possible. To facilitate the adoption and implementation of enforcement mechanisms, we describe them at several complemen-tary abstraction levels. Our enforcement mechanisms have been implemented and our ex- perimental results demonstrate the feasibility of runtime enforcement in a timed context and the effectiveness of the mechanisms